Design and production of welded impellers
for industrial’s applications


Made in Italy Quality

"Challenges can be taken on and ideas brought to fruition through professionalism, enthusiasm, passion and know-how; we Italians have been good at this since time immemorial; Italian excellences speak for themselves the whole world over: and at TGT welded impellers we aim to be part of this..."

The practice of quality control in our company is a culture that interests each activity, resource and function. .
A methodology of work that affects each business operations: from the planning to the prototyping, from the purchase of materials to the production of the individual components until the whole product and its posting.

TGT offers packaging solutions and industrial logistics services; orders “made to measure” for every customer: packaging solutions with high added value, product protection, goods loading and shipment.




All production’s process follows VDI, UNI, ISO rules for a production 100% Made in Italy.
Balancing according to VDI 2060 – UNI ISO 21940-11:2017 or Customer’s requirements.


UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Certification »

Our services »



TGT s.r.l. - Ventole centrifughe saldate
Vicolo Collodi 1E, Località Rivabella - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy - Tel.: +39 051 751697 Fax: +39 051 752780 - -
P.I. (Eori) IT00527071203 - C.F. 00898030374 - Mecc. BO015827 - REA 233897 - Cap. Soc. € 10.400,00 i.v.